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Adult Education

Tuesday Nights Together (TNT) is a fellowship and education opportunity here at All Souls that runs throughout the program year (October - June). Dinner begins at 6:00pm and is open to all, not just those participating in the discussion and program. Meals are served buffet style and people are asked to make a $4.00 donation for the meal or $12.00 for a family. The first Tuesday of the month however, the prepared meal will be replaced with a potluck. Participants are encouraged to bring a dish to share. Programming is welcome to all. Pick and choose which works best for you. To reserve your spot or to receive notifications on TNT offerings please contact the church office by phone, 
207-942-7354, or by email at

You are welcome to register for both studies.  These are separate offerings, however, so be sure to visit both links if you plan on participating in both.  A brief description and registration links are below.

NOTE:  There is no TNT the first Tuesday of each month.  Join us for a potluck at 6:00 p.m. instead!

Woman with Bible
Cross and Clouds

Mudhouse Sabbath
by Lauren Winner

Final Days
by Matt Rawle


March 11, 18, 25

April 8​​​​​​​​

5:00 p.m.  Study


Lauren Winner, author of Mudhouse Sabbath: An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline, is an Episcopal Priest who converted from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity.  In this book study, she explores how Christians can enrich their faith through learning about eleven spiritual practices from Judaism.  Join us during the season of Lent as we discover together how to incorporate spiritual disciplines into the rhythm of our daily living.  


Suggested donation of $13 for the book.  


March 11, 18, 25

April 8, 15, 22​​

7:00 p.m. Study


The four New Testament Gospels aren’t the same story, but they offer the same Resurrection hope. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John devote most of their story detailing Jesus’ last week in Jerusalem, all highlighting Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city, the suffering and humiliation of the cross, and the empty tomb come Sunday morning, but the stories they tell aren’t quite the same.

Each Gospel offers a different lens through which we understand Jesus’ Passion. One portrait reveals Jesus to be in control, while another emphasizes his suffering. In one story Jesus offers hope to the thief on the cross, and in another Jesus only receives derision. These different perspectives aren’t a reason to dismiss the Gospels; rather they reveal an abundant, diverse, and complementary picture of God’s work in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.​


Adult Sunday School Class - Let's Learn the Basics!


Sundays beginning January 19th ​​


9:00 - 9:45 a.m.


Feeling like you “missed the basics” either because you are new to this faith journey or because you want a refresher from
the classes of your childhood? Join us Sunday mornings at 9am for a 12 week “crash course” where we’ll hit some of the highlights from Genesis to Revelation.

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