"We are focusing on Him and the glory we are blessed with and share on Sunday mornings."
The All Souls Choir has been active in worship for over half a century. This is a volunteer choir, made up of people who have a heart for God and for song as well as an ear for music.
The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from September to June. As one member puts it:
"We gather on Thursday evenings after a long day and maybe a meal that might require a comfortable chair for dessert; but we persevere and something magical happens. We forget the life situations and focus on the music. I dare say, we are focusing on Him and the glory we are blessed with and share on Sunday mornings."
The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 and on Sunday mornings from 9:00 to 9:30 from September to June. In addition to the anthems and responses sung during our regular Sunday morning services, the Senior Choir occasionally participates in other special presentations in the church and in the community. On Music Sunday in December, the choir sings a cantata or participates in a service of lessons and carols. In the last four years the choir has sung the following works in public concerts: Poulenc’s Gloria, Vivaldi’s Gloria; Haydn’s Little Organ Mass, which was presented with St. John’s Catholic Church Parish Choir; and Faure’s Requiem. In addition, other special services and events give choir singers more opportunities for musical participation.
Examples are the Maundy Thursday service, the 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve candlelight service, the Martin Luther King service, the Talent Show, and the annual Men’s and Women’s Choirs, which are open to any singers in the congregation. In the summer when the choir is on break, soloists or small groups sing instead of the full choir.
Learn more about occasional performances and our Music Director, Kay Eames.