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Giving Time to Our Children

The young children of our church need your help! Please consider giving four hours of your time to volunteer with our EPIC church school students, that is our pre-k through 3rd grade students attending church school on Sunday mornings. Many thanks to those of you who have already or are signed up to volunteer this year. But we still need some more help to get us through May. We’d really like to see those who can to give four hours to these young children of our church, that’s it!

So, why am I still asking for help, why can’t I just figure this out on my own? Well, we have set our EPIC group up this way, needing different volunteers each week, so that these children can get to know, trust, and lean on the other members of this church, and so that you can get to know them too. Building healthy and meaningful intergenerational Christian relationships. And I don’t how many of you know this, but we have some really cool kids joining us on Sunday mornings so why not take a moment to get to know them.

Now, what can you do? We have four different activities we go through each Sunday; a Story, Craft, Singing, and snack and fellowship. You can volunteer as a Story Teller and read the story for the theme of the day. The story IS provided for you, all you have to know is how to read! You can be an Artisan, help the students make the craft for the day. Again, the craft and supplies are provided for you. You might just need to help with cutting, gluing, and/or folding. Or you can be a Shepherd, the kids are split up into two groups for the first two activities, you will simply help move each group of kids safely from one activity to the next.

So there it is, give these children four hours of your time as a Story Teller, Artisan, or Shepherd. All you have to do is sign up and show up. You can gather in the meetinghouse as normal on the Sunday morning, you can still say hi to your friends, hear the announcements and the beginning of the service. Then when the children are dismissed, follow the little heard down to rooms 3 and 5 and look for me. Please check out the Sign-Up sheet posted on the Christian Education bulletin board and look for four slots you can fill your name in. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed you did. Thank you!

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